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By Iyin Akinlabi-Oladimeji

Luji’s Chocolate And The Importance Of Creating a bean-to-bar , Made in West-Africa Chocolate Brand

This Is Why Being Made in Nigeria Is Key to Our Recipe at Luji’s Chocolate.

Ah, chocolate – there's nothing quite like the rich, velvety smoothness that melts in your mouth. It's a universal delight that brings a moment of joy to our daily hustle. And when that chocolate also carries the promise of ethical sourcing and sustainable practices, it becomes more than just a treat – it's a conscious choice that reflects our values.

As modern consumers become increasingly conscious of their purchases, the quest for transparency in the chocolate industry has taken center stage. With concerns ranging from environmental sustainability to fair labor practices, the call for ethically produced chocolate is louder than ever. At Luji's Chocolate("Loo-geez"), we're more than just another brand with ethical labels; we're thoughtfully crafting a path to uplift chocolate production in its birthplace, West Africa, the true heartland of cocoa.

Introducing Luji’s Chocolate: A Unique Taste of Made-In-West Africa Premium Chocolate

Luji's Chocolate is deliciously grown, crafted and packaged from bean to bar in West Africa and made with the unique ingredients from the region. Everytime you purchase a Luji’s Chocolate bar, we provide cocoa seedlings to a farmer where our cocoa is sourced.

We like to think our mission is simple: to make exceptional chocolate for you that also benefits the greater good, and generates economic opportunities in West African farming communities.

But why does this mission matter? 

70% of the World's Cocoa is Grown in West Africa. However, 1% of the World's Chocolate is Produced There.

70% of the world's cocoa is grown in West Africa, but astonishingly, very little of the world's chocolate is produced there. At Luji’s Chocolate, we’re changing that status quo. Why can't premium chocolate be produced locally where the cocoa is grown? We’re answering this by creating premium chocolate entirely in West Africa, directly benefiting the farmers and communities with every bar sold.

Our approach at Luji's Chocolate goes beyond mere ethical claims; it's about creating tangible impacts. Unlike many brands that just buy raw cocoa from West Africa with little traceability, we're crafting our chocolate right where it all starts - in Nigeria. By managing the entire process from bean to bar locally, we ensure more value stays in the region and promotes sustainable chocolate production.

This not only keeps more economic value within the region but also ensures that each bar you enjoy is infused with authentic, unadulterated flavors that only local production can provide.

Made in West Africa Means Creating Qualified & Better Paid Jobs in Cocoa Farming Communities.

Over the past decade, Africa has contributed 1.5% to the global value added in manufacturing. At Luji's Chocolate, we are committed to changing this narrative by fostering long-term economic sustainability through empowering the African workforce. We achieve this by sourcing our ingredients from West Africa and meticulously crafting our chocolates to meet global standards.

Despite their crucial role in the billion-dollar chocolate industry, many West African farmers live below the poverty line, and the region sees little profit from its abundant resources. At Luji's Chocolate, we are dedicated to transforming this dynamic.

We believe that local manufacturing leads to sustainable production. By choosing Luji’s Chocolate, you not only enjoy a bar rich with authentic flavors but also contribute to enhancing livelihoods and creating skilled jobs within West African communities. It’s more than chocolate—it’s a movement towards economic fairness and prosperity.

You get a Delicious Chocolate bars, We Deliver a Cocoa Seedlings to a Small Farmer 

Every time you purchase a Luji’s Chocolate bar, we provide cocoa seedlings to a farmer where our cocoa is sourced. We distribute premium seedlings to help the farmer increase their yield and grow their income. It's a cycle of goodness — you enjoy delicious chocolate, and farmers get to grow more cocoa beans in return. We do this because we believe doing good should taste good. 

Through our model, each chocolate purchase is more than just a transaction; it's a step towards sustainable change. We don't just purchase cocoa; we 'tip' the farmers with cocoa seedlings, supporting a sustainable and prosperous cocoa industry in Nigeria. Each bar is a commitment to ethical practices, economic empowerment, and a richer, more flavorful chocolate experience

Delicious Chocolate that's 100% Crafted in West Africa & Helps You Impact & Create Equity in Cocoa Farming Communities

Our West African ingredient filled bars can be eaten guilt free any day of the week! Our one of a kind chocolate flavors, like the popular Ginger Plantain Crunch and Spicy Suya, offer more than exquisite taste—they offer the peace of mind that comes from supporting ethical and local production.  When you eat chocolate that’s made in West Africa, you can feel good knowing that you’re doing good, too. 

So, to every chocolate lover, or friend of one out there, remember Luji’s Chocolate the next time you want to indulge guilt-free and support a good cause while you’re at it. 

Now, who’s ready for a bite?

1 comment

  • Listening to your story on NPR. Happy to hear you give seedling as a bonus to your suppliers.

    Sherry Swafford on

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